How to Know if You Have a Drinking Problem

How to Know if You Have a Drinking Problem

Has your alcohol consumption become problematic? It’s an important question to consider, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), problem drinking can include binge drinking, heavy drinking, underage drinking and consuming alcohol while pregnant or advised not to for other medical reasons. Understanding whether your drinking habits have become a sign of alcohol use disorder or other mental health issues is the first step toward recovery and a healthy lifestyle.

There are several key indicators to look for when determining if your drinking has become a problem. If you identify with the indicators listed below, contact Hickory Treatment Centers to speak with one of our professional admissions counselors about treatment options.

Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) consuming a high volume of alcohol over a short period of time. For men, that means five or more drinks in a single sitting while for women, it means four or more drinks.

Frequent Drinking

Frequent drinking occurs when a person feels the need to drink daily, or several times per week. For men, the NIAAA defines this as more than four drinks in a day or more than 14 drinks per day. For women, it’s defined as more than three drinks per day or seven per week.

Severe Behavioral Changes

If your behavior changes when you’re drinking, it could indicate that you have an alcohol use disorder. Are you often impulsive, uncharacteristically aggressive or overly emotional when you drink? Do your friends notice that your behavior seems to change when you’re drinking? If so, it’s important to talk to someone who specializes in addiction to determine the best course of action.

Participation in High-Risk Activities

If you’re engaging in behavior that could endanger yourself or someone else when drinking, it’s important to consider the possibility that you may have a drinking problem. High-risk activities may include, but certainly aren’t limited to, drinking and driving, neglecting work or home responsibilities, engaging in extreme sports, picking fights or committing crimes.


If you don’t feel like you can get through the day without alcohol or if you wake up after binge drinking and swear off alcohol only to go out drinking again as soon as you recovery, you may be living with alcohol dependency. This is a sure sign that you’ve got a drinking problem and a clear indication that intervention is needed.

Feeling Concern About Your Own Drinking

If you’ve found yourself pondering the symptoms of alcohol use disorders, feeling guilty about using alcohol, or simply worrying about your drinking habits, chances are it’s time to reign in your drinking and explore the possibility of a recovery program.

Get Help Today

If the warning signs above are familiar, it may be time to speak to a professional about the possibility of a substance use disorder. Asking for help is never easy but it can potentially save your life, helping you take the first step towards sobriety and recovery.

Reach out to Hickory Treatment Centers today and speak to our compassionate admissions counselors about your options.

Close up on a bike with helmet smiling

If you have tried to stop using alcohol or drugs on your own, you may feel that sobriety and clean living seem far away. However, with the help of caring staff members and a safe, structured environment, you can receive the guidance you need to fight cravings and regain control of your life.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our admission staff or learn more about our healing programs.