Developing Patience in Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery

It goes without saying that addiction recovery is no quick process. For most people, it requires a ton of time and emotional energy. That’s because addiction is never really a superficial problem — the roots of this disorder often go really deep so untangling them can be challenging and time-consuming. While many people are aware of how challenging the process is, it’s still quite common for those in recovery to feel overwhelmed by all the work they need to do. Because of this, developing patience is absolutely necessary in order to be successful in recovery.

Patience: Why Is It So Important?

A lot of people in recovery perceive themselves as impatient and easily bored. There may be some truth to their perception as some people are certainly less predisposed to being patient than others. However, patience is far from an entirely intrinsic quality. In reality, it is that it’s partially a skill — which means that it can be practiced and trained much like any other skill.

A somewhat complicating factor is that in many cases, addiction can impair people’s capacity for being patient, both mentally and physically. As addiction is often characterized by impulsive decisions and short-term thinking, many people can forget what it’s like to delay gratification and show patience towards achieving longer-term goals. Addiction also can cause some physical changes in the body, such as impacting the prefrontal cortex. Damaging this part of the brain can often lead to impaired decision-making abilities and increased impulsivity.

How to Improve Your Patience

Even if you have an excellent understanding of the importance of having patience, you may find it difficult to improve on it. Luckily, there are some simple suggestions on how to get better. First, try out mindfulness meditation. Many people find that this practice helps them stay grounded in the present moment and accept their current circumstances. You may also benefit from starting a gratitude journal. Feeling grateful for what you’ve got is a powerful tool, as it can improve your mental health and thus make you more patient when things go wrong. Finally, make sure that you set realistic goals for yourself, both when it comes to recovery and in other aspects of your life. No matter how good your mental health gets, if your expectations are unrealistic, you’re bound to feel like you’re falling short. It’s natural for this to bother you and soon these feelings of inadequacy are likely to manifest as a decrease in patience. Give yourself permission to take your time with all your goals and aspirations. Treat recovery like a marathon, not a sprint, and you’ll likely find that your patience has begun to increase little by little.

Embark on the Journey to Recovery with Hickory Treatment Centers

Here at Hickory Treatment Centers, we believe that the journey towards recovery doesn’t need to be long and perilous. Our treatment programs are all based on the latest research in the field so that our patients can be sure that they’re receiving the highest quality of service at all times. Wondering whether we can help you? Whether you’re just considering your options or you’re fully ready to commit to treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our helpful team members will be more than happy to talk to you!

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If you have tried to stop using alcohol or drugs on your own, you may feel that sobriety and clean living seem far away. However, with the help of caring staff members and a safe, structured environment, you can receive the guidance you need to fight cravings and regain control of your life.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our admission staff or learn more about our healing programs.