Treating Addiction with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Treating Addiction with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Millions of people across the US suffer from some sort of substance use disorder, and these addictions have derailed countless lives. While the addiction epidemic has only grown more serious in recent decades, treatment methods have grown to meet the challenge. Far...
How the Opioid Epidemic Started

How the Opioid Epidemic Started

America had some 6,100 tragic opioid overdoses in 1980, but this has skyrocketed to more than 56,516 in 2020. In 2015, opioid overdoses reached a point of severity that has caused American life expectancy to begin dropping year after year. How did it happen that the...
What is AA and NA

What is AA and NA

Many newly sober people find that a group program helps reduce their relapse risk and gives them support from others who have had similar experiences. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are two of the best-known 12-step addiction treatment...
Understanding and Recognizing Binge Drinking

Understanding and Recognizing Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is defined as a pattern of drinking that brings the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08% or higher according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. For a typical adult female that would mean four drinks or more in a two hour...
The 4 Stages of Addiction

The 4 Stages of Addiction

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a complex disease that results in functional changes to the brain circuits. In the beginning drug use is voluntary, whether it’s the result of experimenting with recreational drugs and alcohol or...
Manipulative Behaviors in Addicts

Manipulative Behaviors in Addicts

Many studies show the impact of addiction not only on those with substance use disorders but on their family members as well. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of drug abuse includes the development of manipulative behaviors that help the person with an addiction...