What is the Johari Window?

What is the Johari Window?

Developed by two psychologists to help people improve their understanding of themselves and others, the Johari Window is a type of heuristic tool that examines the biases and criticisms we may or may not be aware of that motivates our behavior. The Johari Window is...
Developing Patience in Addiction Recovery

Developing Patience in Addiction Recovery

It goes without saying that addiction recovery is no quick process. For most people, it requires a ton of time and emotional energy. That’s because addiction is never really a superficial problem — the roots of this disorder often go really deep so untangling...
Gardening in Addiction Recovery

Gardening in Addiction Recovery

A form of therapeutic horticulture that has been shown to significantly increase a person’s sense of mental well-being and satisfaction, gardening is one of the best activities recovering addicts can use to reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress. Research...
Staying Hydrated in Addiction Recovery

Staying Hydrated in Addiction Recovery

Concentrating solely on your mental health during addiction recovery often leads to forgetting about the importance of staying hydrated during your recovery. While detox eliminates all traces of drugs or alcohol from the body, and residential treatment programs...
What is the Cycle of Addiction?

What is the Cycle of Addiction?

Addiction is complicated. It’s a serious mental health condition that causes people to repeatedly engage in behaviors- even if it’s harmful and they want to stop. Part of the reason that addiction is so challenging is that it operates in a cycle that is...