How to Use Journaling in Recovery

How to Use Journaling in Recovery

It goes without saying that addiction recovery is a time of great emotional turmoil. People often find that they’ve been using alcohol and/or other substances as a way to suppress difficult feelings. Thus, once they no longer have substance use to utilize as a...
The Difference Between Substance Abuse and Addiction

The Difference Between Substance Abuse and Addiction

Substance abuse and addiction are often mistaken as the same thing, but the two are very different. Both can have negative effects on your health, work, relationships and well-being, however, understanding the difference can help you determine whether you need...
Treat Yourself: How to Relax in Addiction Recovery

Treat Yourself: How to Relax in Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is a challenging journey for anybody who enters it and unfortunately, it’s a journey that has to be repeated for many. An estimated 40-60% of those who finish recovery relapse. As such, it’s important to take time to relax and recharge....
Music Therapy: A Tool in Addiction Recovery

Music Therapy: A Tool in Addiction Recovery

For anyone who’s ever made their own mood playlist, it’s no secret that music can make you calm, can help improve your mood and can speak to you in ways nothing else can. Seventh century playwright William Congreve once wrote, “Music has charms to...
How to Be Grateful for the Little Things

How to Be Grateful for the Little Things

Many people struggle with addiction due to feelings of inadequacy. Feeling like you’re not good enough, that you’re somehow fundamentally different from other people, or that you’re incapable of building a fulfilling life for yourself are all...