Building Good Habits in Addiction Recovery

Building Good Habits in Addiction Recovery

For many people, the early days of addiction recovery can feel quite disorienting. Substance use has likely been at the center of their lives for so long that they find themselves at a loss about how to fill their time. They might feel that many of their routines are...
Best Games to Play in Addiction Recovery

Best Games to Play in Addiction Recovery

There’s no doubt that addiction recovery is a lot of hard work. Changing old habits and developing a new perspective on yourself and the world requires a lot of emotional strength and mental energy. However, this isn’t to say that the recovery process...
Challenges for Introverts In Addiction Recovery

Challenges for Introverts In Addiction Recovery

The addiction recovery process is a significant challenge for everyone. Letting go of alcohol dependency and regaining control over one’s life is an incredible feat that doesn’t come easy. However, some people may find the process even more difficult...
Challenges for Extroverts In Addiction Recovery

Challenges for Extroverts In Addiction Recovery

Extroverts get their energy from interacting with other people, unlike introverts, who need time to recharge alone. Extroverted people typically do great in addiction treatment as they enjoy participating in group activities and interacting with others in the center....
Best Foods to Eat While Recovering from Alcohol Addiction

Best Foods to Eat While Recovering from Alcohol Addiction

Many people start feeling the health benefits of quitting alcohol within the first few days or weeks, like more energy, clearer skin, less bloating, and a healthier gut. As your body heals, you may find yourself struggling with food cravings, such as a severe sweet...