Teen drug and alcohol use has plagued youths in the U.S. for decades. Beyond the damage that substance abuse can do to a developing adolescent’s physical and mental health, substance use at a young age may more quickly develop into an addiction and can have...
Alcohol is legal and easy to obtain which is why it is one of the most commonly misused substances. While a few drinks here and there seem innocent, alcohol misuse often develops and it is difficult to quit drinking cold turkey. Quitting cold turkey is also dangerous...
There is no cure for addiction. It can be treated effectively and managed well without relapse. Yet, there is often a risk that a person could begin to use again. If you suspect someone you care about is at risk for relapse, it’s important to take action right...
Many health insurance plans provide coverage for drug and alcohol addiction. For those that do not have insurance coverage for any reason, it can seem impossible to get the care you need. The key to remember is that you should not just give up. Take the time to learn...
One of the most common questions people have about alcohol addition, also known as Alcohol Use Disorder, is, “Can you ever recover from being an alcoholic?” To answer that question, you need to start by understanding what recovery from alcohol addiction...
Addiction is a slippery slope, and millions of people struggle with substance abuse disorder (SAD) each year. Full-blown addiction doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, addiction has four distinct stages: experimentation, regular use, high-risk use, and complete...