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The Best Reddit Communities and Resources for Recovery

The Best Reddit Communities and Resources for Recovery

Nothing can beat help from a professional when you're struggling with a mental health condition such as addiction. But, as you progress into recovery, it can be nice to build a community of support you can lean on. You may want people you can come to for minor...

Sleep Hygiene and Addiction Recovery

Sleep Hygiene and Addiction Recovery

Getting a good night's sleep is important for everyone, no matter what — it improves physical health, focus, attention to detail, and cognitive function, among a long list of other benefits. But, research shows that sleep hygiene can be especially important to keep...

What is the Jellinek Curve in Addiction and Recovery?

What is the Jellinek Curve in Addiction and Recovery?

If you or someone you know has ever dealt with a substance abuse addiction, you know that chaos and the unexpected are typical during the throes of an addiction. Luckily, with recovery comes a lot of routine and structure. However, the journey through addiction and...

Best Drug and Alcohol Recovery Charities to Consider

Best Drug and Alcohol Recovery Charities to Consider

Addiction can impact anyone regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, or more. Approximately 21.2 million Americans have a substance abuse disorder, yet in 2018, only 11% received the treatment they needed. This is particularly sad because addiction is...

What are the Stages of Alcohol Addiction Recovery?

What are the Stages of Alcohol Addiction Recovery?

Certain events will impact an alcoholic's life before they voluntarily enter an alcohol addiction recovery program. Alcohol abusers go to great lengths to avoid seeking professional help until they are jobless, homeless, lost their driver's license, and no longer have...

How Alcohol and Drugs Affect Sleep

How Alcohol and Drugs Affect Sleep

Chronic insomnia drives many people to use alcohol or drugs just to fall asleep. Although a glass of wine, a mixed drink, or prescription sedatives like Xanax may help you fall asleep, chances are you won't stay asleep through the night. Taking any psychoactive...

Alcohol and Aging

Alcohol and Aging

Most people are well-aware that alcohol has something to do with premature aging — but many aren't sure what the exact effects are. Because of this, many frequent drinkers tend to underestimate the severity of the issues alcohol can cause. Here we've summarized some...

Can Medications Help Me Stop Drinking?

Can Medications Help Me Stop Drinking?

Nearly 20 million U.S. adults suffer from alcoholism, binge drinking, and so-called "functional" alcoholism. Beer, wine, and hard liquors are central nervous system depressants that disrupt brain chemistry, damage brain cells, and impair the functioning of all major...

The Connection Between Alcoholism and Body Dysmorphic Disorder

The Connection Between Alcoholism and Body Dysmorphic Disorder

It's not uncommon to consume a few drinks before a social event or while out with friends to help you feel more relaxed and to help take your mind off problems and issues. In some circumstances, alcohol can act as a stimulant to make you feel talkative and happy....

How Alcoholic Homes Affect Kids

How Alcoholic Homes Affect Kids

Having an alcoholic parent can and often does leave a deep mark on a child's psyche. The home environment in an addict's home tends to be chaotic and unpredictable which can cause their children to develop some dysfunctional habits and beliefs. On top of that,...

How to Know if You Have a Drinking Problem

How to Know if You Have a Drinking Problem

Has your alcohol consumption become problematic? It's an important question to consider, and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), problem drinking can include binge drinking, heavy drinking, underage drinking and...

How to Support a Loved One After a Relapse

How to Support a Loved One After a Relapse

You were so excited and relieved when your loved one entered treatment for their addiction. But now they've relapsed. They're drinking or using drugs again even though they'd maintained their sobriety for some time. The relapse doesn't mean that treatment was...

End the Stigma of Addiction!

End the Stigma of Addiction!

It's hardly groundbreaking to say that alcohol and drug dependency are both heavily stigmatized. Unfortunately, this can have a devastating effect on those struggling with addiction. Many of these people never seek out treatment because they feel ashamed and judged,...

Fun Sober Activities to Level-Up Your Recovery

Fun Sober Activities to Level-Up Your Recovery

When you first enter recovery, you need to make sweeping changes in your life. You're not going to go to rehab, get through a treatment program, and then return to the same life you were living before. The reason for this is simple: that life contains the reasons you...

How to Spot the Early Signs of Addiction

How to Spot the Early Signs of Addiction

It's often difficult to identify when a friend or loved one starts to develop a substance use disorder (SUD), but their are some early signs to look out for. This way, you can offer them the support they need as soon as they need it. The early signs of addiction can...

What is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

What is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

Referring to someone as a high-functioning alcoholic (HFA) assumes that the individual is a heavy drinker who does not let their drinking interfere with being financially successful. HFAs have developed a functional tolerance to alcohol's effects over many years of...

How Nature Can Help Your Recovery

How Nature Can Help Your Recovery

No matter where you are in recovery, replacing your negative habits with healthy ones is one of the best ways to nurture and maintain your sobriety over the course of your life. And, experts agree — spending time in nature can provide a great venue for some of these...

Let the Dark Become Light: How to Practice Self Love

Let the Dark Become Light: How to Practice Self Love

Self-love and self-esteem have been established as some of the most important aspects of good mental health. Unfortunately, so many of us struggle to love and celebrate ourselves that it's no wonder that addiction and poor mental health are such common issues. The...

The Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Recovery

The Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Recovery

Yoga is an age-old practice that's been used for millennia to help people achieve balance, happiness, and peace in their lives. In recent years, yoga has also been incredibly beneficial for those recovering from addiction. Yoga can be a powerful tool in the recovery...

How Pets Help Us in Addiction Recovery

How Pets Help Us in Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery can be one of the most challenging things a person ever does. Getting the support of friends, family, and loved ones can be crucial to ensure individuals make it through recovery successfully and don't relapse afterward. But, there's also one more...

How Art Can Help Your Recovery

How Art Can Help Your Recovery

When it comes to addiction recovery, an individual care plan tailored to the patient's unique needs is usually the best action. Treatment centers typically use a combination of treatment methods and mix and match various techniques to achieve optimal results. Art...

How Dance Can Help Your Recovery

How Dance Can Help Your Recovery

Dance therapy has long been established as an excellent way to improve overall mental health. In recent years, it's been proven to be a valuable treatment method for addiction recovery. Many people first turn to substance use because of an inability to express and...

Keep It Moving! The Best Exercises for Addiction Recovery

Keep It Moving! The Best Exercises for Addiction Recovery

Engaging in regular exercise during recovery and remaining committed to an exercise program: Forms healthy lifestyle habits that make it easier to stay sober and focus on recovery Blunts the edge off cravings when they hit to help those in recovery avoid relapse Is...

How Music Can Help Your Addiction Recovery

How Music Can Help Your Addiction Recovery

Music is a beautiful thing. It can make us feel happy, sad, angry, and every other emotion imaginable. It can also be an effective tool in helping people recover from addiction. If you're reading this because you or someone you love is in recovery, you may wonder if...

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Caffeine in Recovery

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Caffeine in Recovery

A psychostimulant consumed by more people worldwide than any other psychoactive drug, caffeine is an alkaloid found in cola nuts, cacao, and guarana (Brazilian cocoa shrub). The physically and mentally stimulating effects produced by caffeine are due to its ability to...

The Sauna and Addiction Recovery

The Sauna and Addiction Recovery

While it is true that sweating helps eliminate alcohol from the body, forcing yourself to sweat by sitting in a sauna is not the safest method for ridding your body of alcohol. Nor is it a safe way to self-detox if you are trying to stop abusing drugs or alcohol. Both...

Best Tips for Battling Anxiety in Recovery

Best Tips for Battling Anxiety in Recovery

Anyone recovering from a substance abuse disorder must learn to cope with a barrage of emotional ups and downs throughout recovery and beyond. For those graduating from a residential treatment center, the unpredictability of living a sober life brings unexpected...

Building Good Habits in Addiction Recovery

Building Good Habits in Addiction Recovery

For many people, the early days of addiction recovery can feel quite disorienting. Substance use has likely been at the center of their lives for so long that they find themselves at a loss about how to fill their time. They might feel that many of their routines are...

Best Games to Play in Addiction Recovery

Best Games to Play in Addiction Recovery

There's no doubt that addiction recovery is a lot of hard work. Changing old habits and developing a new perspective on yourself and the world requires a lot of emotional strength and mental energy. However, this isn't to say that the recovery process needs to be a...

Challenges for Introverts In Addiction Recovery

Challenges for Introverts In Addiction Recovery

The addiction recovery process is a significant challenge for everyone. Letting go of alcohol dependency and regaining control over one's life is an incredible feat that doesn't come easy. However, some people may find the process even more difficult simply because of...

Challenges for Extroverts In Addiction Recovery

Challenges for Extroverts In Addiction Recovery

Extroverts get their energy from interacting with other people, unlike introverts, who need time to recharge alone. Extroverted people typically do great in addiction treatment as they enjoy participating in group activities and interacting with others in the center....

Best Foods to Eat While Recovering from Alcohol Addiction

Best Foods to Eat While Recovering from Alcohol Addiction

Many people start feeling the health benefits of quitting alcohol within the first few days or weeks, like more energy, clearer skin, less bloating, and a healthier gut. As your body heals, you may find yourself struggling with food cravings, such as a severe sweet...

How To Survive (And Embrace!) The Holidays As A Recovering Alcoholic

How To Survive (And Embrace!) The Holidays As A Recovering Alcoholic

The winter holidays – the period from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day – can be the most stressful time for people in recovery from alcohol addiction. Whether you're newly sober or have quadruple-digit days of sobriety under your belt, the celebratory atmosphere...

The Benefits of Exercise for Addiction Recovery

The Benefits of Exercise for Addiction Recovery

Exercise is known for being good for the mind and body, but did you know that it can also be a powerful tool for addiction recovery? When paired with evidence-based rehabilitation strategies, exercise can be a powerful, natural tool to help you maintain sobriety and...

Benefits of Cold Showers for Fighting Addiction

Benefits of Cold Showers for Fighting Addiction

Cold showers are a popular health trend lately, with benefits that range from healthier hair and skin to giving you more energy and vigor. Like many popular health trends, this one is a revival of older health treatment, such as the hydrotherapy that AA founder Bill...

Tips On Dealing With Shame And Guilt After A Relapse

Tips On Dealing With Shame And Guilt After A Relapse

Many people leave rehab filled with mixed emotions: fear, or nervousness about their ability to handle life sober. Hope and determination are also common. Many people are focused on doing the next right thing each time, confident that their new sobriety means they...

The Evolution Of Addiction Treatment Over The Last Century

The Evolution Of Addiction Treatment Over The Last Century

Addiction treatment is an evolving science. As researchers learn more about how the brain works and the changes that addictive substances make in its neural pathways, the manner in which addiction is treated changes, as well. Addiction treatment methods have evolved...

Can Fentanyl Kill You?

Can Fentanyl Kill You?

Fentanyl is a hot topic in the news lately, and for a good reason. This synthetic opiate, up to 50 times stronger than heroin, is flooding into the country, distributed alongside other illicit street drugs like heroin, other opiates, and methamphetamine. The risks of...

Fentanyl Candy: Everything You Need To Know

Fentanyl Candy: Everything You Need To Know

If you've been watching the news over the several weeks, you've probably heard about the growing Fentanyl crisis in our county. One of the most alarming aspects of this surge in illicit drugs is that the fentanyl is disguised as candy – small, brightly colored suggest...

Are All Overdoses Fatal?

Are All Overdoses Fatal?

Most people are familiar with a Hollywood image of drug or alcohol overdose: an unresponsive user, possibly vomiting or foaming at the mouth, and then, tragically, dying from the overdose. But, not all overdoses are fatal – although all are potentially deadly and can...

5 Myths and Facts About Drug Rehab

5 Myths and Facts About Drug Rehab

Are you worried about your drug use and that you're looking into rehabilitation options? Rehab can help people who have reached their lowest point and provide a safe space to detox and heal. But many addicts fear seeking treatment, even if they know they need it,...

How Do You Deal With Urges?

How Do You Deal With Urges?

One of the most challenging parts of recovery, no matter how many days, weeks, or years you have sober, is dealing with cravings and urges to drink or use drugs. Cravings are normal, and the intensity can wax and wane over time. The urge can come on strongly out of...

What Are The Three Most Common Triggers For Relapse?

What Are The Three Most Common Triggers For Relapse?

Addiction recovery is never easy. Overcoming dependence on drugs or alcohol is a huge challenge in the best of circumstances but avoiding relapse can be even more difficult—especially when faced with common relapse triggers throughout day-to-day life. According to...

Neuroplasticity and Addiction

Neuroplasticity and Addiction

When psychologists talk about the "neuroplasticity" of the brain, they are referring to the ability of the brain to learn, remember, and adapt to new experiences. Another way to understand neuroplasticity is to think of it as a kind of rewiring of the brain to improve...

Will I Be in Pain While I Detox?

Will I Be in Pain While I Detox?

For many individuals, one of the barriers to getting "clean" from drugs or alcohol is the fear that detox will be painful. They wonder if they'll be in pain while detoxing. Some convince themselves that this pain will be so intense that they won't be able to handle it...

How Long Does It Take For Dopamine To Reset

How Long Does It Take For Dopamine To Reset

Substance Use Disorder (SUD), or chronic drug or alcohol use, wreaks havoc on nearly all your brain functions, including the hormones that regulate your moods, serotonin, and dopamine. Your drug of choice replaces the dopamine that your brain naturally produces, and...

The Difference Between Lapse And Relapse

The Difference Between Lapse And Relapse

Addiction recovery takes time and consistent work. Many people in recovery are learning new, healthy coping mechanisms and, for the first time, may be facing painful emotions sober. Being overwhelmed with emotions while surrounded by temptations and fighting cravings...

What Is A Support Network? How Can It Help With Recovery?

If you've recently gone through drug or alcohol recovery, you likely have discussed having a support network to help prevent relapse after you leave inpatient or intensive outpatient addiction therapy. Support is critical for people in early recovery to help them make...

The Importance Of Making Sober Friendships

The Importance Of Making Sober Friendships

People in early sobriety face a lot of challenges, one of which can be loneliness and isolation. If you distanced yourself from old friends because they still drink and party, you're probably missing a lot of the social interaction you once had. Sober friends aren't...

How to Deal With Cravings in Recovery

How to Deal With Cravings in Recovery

Addiction is not a mental or behavioral disorder but a chronic medical disease. Like hypertension or diabetes, drug and alcohol addiction must be continuously treated with lifestyle changes, medication, and counseling to help manage stress and cravings. What makes...

Close up on a bike with helmet smiling

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